The Eurasian Business Coalition
US-Eurasia Business Council

The Eurasia Center and The Eurasian Business Coalition
in cooperation with 
The Silk Road Nations and their Representatives (Europe/Asia/Africa) 
The Silk Road Summit – 3rd Annual Conference: 
Exploring Business, Trade & Investment ($5 Trillion)
Opportunities on the New Eurasia/African Silk Roads

With participation from representatives of U.S. Government Agencies and the U.S. Congress, Multilateral Development Banks, Corporations and Trade Associations, Policy Centers and Foundations

The US Congress & The African Union

Representational Mission to the USA

 Monday, November 4, 2019

9:00 a.m. - 7 p.m.

AM Panels: The United States Senate Hart Building (SH-902)

120 Constitution Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002

PM Panels & Reception: The African Union Mission to the United States

Africa House Conference Center

1640 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20007

 The Silk Road Summit – 3rd Annual Conference: Exploring Business, Trade & Investment Opportunities on One Belt One Road as it expands to new Eurasia/African Silk Roads was a resounding success. Multiple initiatives are now converging to galvanize unprecedented investment activity focused on the infrastructure and trade links between Asia and Europe (Eurasia) with new Projects in Africa. This "Project of the Century" will amount to over $5 Trillion in investments.

The Eurasia Center/Eurasian Business Coalition provided an overview of the extraordinary opportunities that are becoming available to countries, companies and individuals to become a part of what is arguably the Project of the Century. This event will allow you and your colleagues to interact with those officials and business representatives from America, China, India, Kazakhstan, and many other New Silk Road nations who are actively seeking contact with American companies, both large and small, to open communication channels and expedite trade, direct investments, and a wide range of business opportunities. There will be executives and representatives from U.S. corporations, and officials from U.S. Government agencies involved in trade promotion and overseas project financing. The Silk Road Summit allowed participants to understand the vast market which holds opportunities for US companies, many of which are not yet familiar with these regions and what they have to offer.

•  Multilateral Project Financing for New Silk Road Projects – through the new Asian Infrastructure      Investment Bank  
   (AIIB), the New Silk Road Fund, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), The World Bank, The European Bank for  
    Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the U.S. Government (EX-IM Bank, OPIC, TDA), etc.
•   Country-Specific Developments – Major Infrastructure & Intermodal Transport Hubs
•   Upcoming Energy Projects and Networks – Oil & Gas, Green Energy and Renewables
•   Initiatives for Technology Innovation/Tech Transfer and Manufacturing & Retail Activity along the      Silk Road
•   New Development Projects throughout the Continent of Africa - $65 Billion dollars
•   Maritime Ports & Harbors Expansion throughout Eurasia & Beyond
•   Cultural/Socioeconomic Factors, Small Business Participation/Entrepreneurship
    Building better Foundations for Trade with Europe/Asia/Africa for Peace and


The Silk Road Summit conference is a unique marketing opportunity for your company to support business relations and to increase your company's exposure within the New Silk Road Belt and Maritime business community. Sponsor this event and your company will reach not only to the conference attendees but also to the hundreds of thousands of people emailed and sent out through our listings in the New York Times, Washington Post, and major newspapers in the Silk Road nations. This Conference will be televised to both in the US and the Silk Road Nations.
Previous SPONSORS of our Events: 3M Corporation; The Boeing Company; U.S. Department of Commerce; Caterpillar; Cisco Systems; Citibank; Claret Consulting; Dechert LLP; EBRD; Ernst & Young, LLP; Hogan Lovells; The Ford Motor Company; The Coca-Cola Company; General Electric; ConocoPhillips; Intel Corporation; Lockheed-Martin; Orrick; PepsiCo; Marks & Sokolov; DuPont; Goodyear; Research International; United Technologies.

There will be an Award Ceremony for the "Stars of Excellence" and the Marco Polo Awards for those corporations who are succeeding on the One Belt One Road Project.
The Eurasia Center
4927 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20016
The Eurasian Business Coalition
2200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 400E, Washington, DC 20037
Tel: (202) 494-0773 Telefax: (202) 237-1452

For questions and further information: Contact Michael Cooper (202) 494-0773
Email: Web:
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